Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Toward the Common Good

Green Mountain Power (GMP) provides electricity to over three-quarters of the state of Vermont in the northeastern United States.

According to Nora Goldstein, in her September 2015 BioCycle magazine article, “Energy Company of the Future,” under the leadership of CEO Mary Powell, GMP has “launched an ambitious energy vision to provide low carbon, low cost and reliable power to Vermonters.” Translation: Consumers win, the environment wins, and a business does it profitably. Goldstein's article is worthy of the read because it encourages us that real people are making headway in promoting the common good of people, in this instance, in the state of Vermont. “Under her leadership, GMP built Vermont's largest wind farm, is building New England's Solar Capital in Rutland, Vermont and installed smart grid technology across the entire utility infrastructure.” Goldstein, editor of BioCycle magazine, specifically asked Powell the significance of Anaerobic Digestion (AD) in the 24-7 generation of electricity. Powell responded: “We are moving toward an energy future where energy is generated and used closer to home, and anaerobic digesters are a key part of that.”
And, what does Anaerobic Digestion have to do with the common good? AD is simply only one of innumerable options that can promote the common good.
What is good for you, may not be good for all. But, the common good is profitable for all. For example, a prescription medication may be appropriate for you, but not for others. On the other hand, clean air, drinkable water, sanitation, the availability of food, clothing, shelter, and health care, the possibility of education and employment, personal safety and the safety of your family, are examples of the common good. The good that is common to all, of course, will be good for you, as well.
Promote the common good, and you advance your own good. Strive for consensus and not exclusion. Accentuate agreement and not difference. Where reconciliation is not found, the common good is discouraged. Find common ground, and you will stimulate common good.
Only your conscience can dictate the limits of what you may consider to be the common good. And, free speech to work out differences must be available to mediate the expression of the common good. To the degree possible, the individual pursuit and demonstration of the good necessitated by conscience, must be allowed, so long as it is not destructive of the common good. Our understanding of the good that is common to all must be improvable, for society to advance, or we will stagnate. A community of men and women of conscience and goodwill always ensures the promotion of the common good.
In short, do all the good you can.